Move Create Love (II)


I’m sorry to have kept you hanging like that, waiting for the last part of this Survivor’s Manifesto-of-Sorts I started writing last June here for all of us to read and remember especially during difficult periods of our lives. I’ve  been on one long unplanned Traveling Seeker personal retreat.

Sometimes We Just Need to Give Ourselves a Break (Heather McCloskey Beck fb)

I’ve also had a sore throat that turned into a nasty cough, moved back into my childhood home (only temporarily, thank God!), met some really great people (painter Roger Rishab Tibon during cocktails for his first Philippine solo exhibit “Musings”, dancers Mia Cabalfin and Rhosam Villareal Prudenciado, Jr. in the Kinesthetic Calligraphy Workshop they faciliated at the Metropolitan Museum of Manila and the Adobo Connection McKinley Hill Team during one of their serious-but-at-times-wacky team meetings), spent quality time with good friends engineer Sheryll Cordero and writer Jojo Gabuya, kept receiving ideas for refining projects I’m embarking on, experienced some more heartbreaks, celebrated simple joys and just…LIVED.

Plunge into, Move with and Join the Dance of Change (fr Ella of Rebel Thriver on fb)

It’s this natural rhythm that I want to cultivate and move with more in my own life. However, if you’re forgetful, prone to doing too much at times and then breaking down from the weight of the burden you’ve piled on your own shoulders like me, then you need some amount of reminding to help bring you back to your peaceful center.

Changes are Inevitable (Kelly A. Morgan in Read, Love, Learn fb)

When you do get knocked down hard, I hope you’ll remember these things and just continue to Move, Create and Love:

When Life Hits You Hard (Waves of Gratitude fb)


6) Learn from everyone & everything and always be grateful. I grew up with Alanis Morissette‘s music. A friend in college named Alon (which means “wave” in Filipino, as in ocean waves) introduced me to her songs through Alanis’ “Jagged Little Pill” album – red hot both in record sales and angry song lyrics in 1995.

I just LOVE how artists like Alanis create work at one period in their life (e.g. “You Learn” from Jagged Little Pill) that is built on, complemented and then even superseded by a later work with a similar theme, (e.g. “Thank U” from her album “Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie”). I see this as evidence of an artist’s meditation on life and personal growth. (When you notice this process in one of your favorite artists, sit up and pay close attention. You’ll learn a LOT from that person!)

Experience Is the Most Brutal of Teachers (by C.S. Lewis fr Don't Take Life Too Seriously in fb)


In “You Learn”, Alanis Morissette’s young creative persona was pretty much saying with earnestness and urgency, “This is life: You just have to bite the bullet and meet it head-on. You win some, you lose some.”

Ahhh, the sheer hubris of youth! It IS a pretty brash anthem but one that will see you through much of the ebb and flow of life. This is the way this song has been for me since I first heard Alon playing it in the apartment she shared with some of our other friends in college.

Being Strong Doesn't Mean You Don't Feel Pain (Karen Salmansohn in


You can actually learn a lot from Alanis, your own favorite singer or band, your mother with whom you always argue and just can’t seem to love the way she needs to be loved, your dog, your yoga mat, the posts you see on your facebook timeline…basically anyone and everything!

Everybody is the Guru ( via google images)

What’s really more important than the source of your learning is the receptivity of your mind and heart. Keep both open and everyone and everything is your Guru. You will perpetually learn and grow as a human being.

Don't Go Through Life, Grow Through Life (Eric Butterworth in Philosopher's Notes fb)


In “Thank U”, Alanis’ older and wiser self was bowing down in humility and giving heartfelt thanks to the Universe for important lessons learned and deep wisdom gained. Below are some of my favorite lyrics from “Thank U”:

How ’bout no longer being masochistic / How ’bout remembering your divinity / How ’bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out / How ’bout not equating death with stopping

The moment I let go of it / was the moment I got more than I could handle / The moment I jumped off of it / Was the moment I touched down

Thank you India / Thank you providence / Thank you disillusionment / Thank you frailty (nothingness) / Thank you clarity / Thank you, thank you silence


If you think THAT’s deep, read Alanis in her own words below as she makes this confession about “Thank U” in VH1 Storytellers ( provide us with this quote):

“I felt I lived in a culture that told me that I had to consistently and constantly look outside myself to feel this elusive bliss. And I achieved a lot of what society told me to achieve and still didn’t feel peaceful. I started questioning everything, and I realized that actually everything was an illusion and it was scary for me because everything I had believed in was dissolving in front of me and there was a death of sorts, a really beautiful one ultimately, but at first a very scary one, and so I stopped.

Painful as It May Be (Louisa May Alcott in Sue Fitmaurice, Author fb)

I stopped for the first time and I was overcome with a huge sense of compassion for myself first, and then naturally translated into my feeling and compassion for everyone around me and a huge amount of gratitude that I had never felt before to this extent. And that’s why I had to write this song, ‘Thank U’, because I had to express how exciting this was and how scary it was and all of these opportunities for us to define who we are.”

We Can't Be Afraid of Change (C. Joybell C. in Trust Your Journey on fb)


I hope these words of Alanis give you a measure of comfort in all the unease of your soul and relief from the heaviness in your heart. Someone’s gone ahead of you and made it through. It’s a sure thing YOU will make it through too.

You Made It Through (fr The Horse Mafia in fb)


And you know what’s free and simple and will get you through life’s ups and downs a little bit more easily? Cultivate gratitude. It will help you thrive no matter what life brings you. Arianna Huffington confirms this and so much more in her University of California Berkeley Greater Good article “Can Gratitude help You Thrive?”

Gratitude and Appreciation are Natural Anti-Depressants (Lynda Field Confidence Coach fb)


You may be asking yourself now how you can learn to be more grateful. Let me share with you this great Gratitude Hack from Oprah: In one of the best episodes of her widely popular daytime talk show, she said to write down on a Gratitude Journal just five things to be grateful for in the morning after one wakes up and five again before one sleeps.

Be Thankful for the Good (Sue Fitzmaurice, Author fb)


So go ahead, give thanks now for you 1) Making it through the night and waking up today, 2) Breathing, 3) Moving, 4) Thinking and 5) Having your basics needs for food and shelter met. Do remember to give thanks to everyone (e.g. from  the crew member of your favorite cafe who more  greeted you a warm good morning to an industry contact who connected you to a person or idea you totally needed to proceed with a personally meaningful project) and for Everything.  And Nothing Shows More Strength (ejc in Bliss Beauty Coffee and Cupcakes fb) Acknowledge the fact that it takes many helping hands to help you survive daily in this world of ours. Remember this every day and make a daily habit of giving thanks for it to the Higher Power you believe in.

Gratitude is Powerful (Waves of Gratitude fb)


Yes, on some days, this list of five things you’re grateful for will seem like Mission Impossible.

We are All Faced with a Series of Opportunities (Charles R. Swindoll in

But let’s just focus on today and right now, shall we? It’s all that we really have.

Take It Day by Day and Be Grateful for Every Breath (Hopping Elephants fb)

(Below, Norwegian pop band D’ Sound gives us a love song for daily life with “My Today”.)


7) Be stubborn about three things: Believing, Loving and Experimenting. I’ve learned something important from experiencing recurring depression and the Buddha: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The Mind is everything. What we think, we become.”

All That We Are is the Result of What We Have Thought (The Buddha in via google iimages)


My own downward spirals into depression happened because of what I was thinking. I had literally made myself ill thinking negatively about myself, my actions, my character, my abilities, etc.

I Seem to Find My Way Home (Helen Hayes in Butterflies and Pebbles fb)

It took me a long time (visits to psychiatrists and counselors included!) and a lot of will power to change and recover, but I found that it was also the quality of my thoughts that would be my salvation.

You Can if You Think You Can (Simpleton fb)

(I’m sharing with you now this song that never fails to comfort me whenever I’m feeling particularly unloved and lonely. It’s Adele singing “Make You Feel My Love – Live at the Royal Albert Hall for Amy Winehouse, an artist we both admired and related to. Definitely not for the drugs and drama in her life, people – it was her profound talent intimately intertwined with her vulnerability and yearning to be loved that we felt deeply.)

Sometimes the Most Beautiful People are the Ones Who are Beautifully Broken (R.M. Drake in Love, Sex, Intelligence fb)


Do you remember actress Sandra Bullock‘s character Sally Owens in the film “Practical Magic” when all she did was sleep the day away and basically let herself go after her husband died? I tumbled into the same icky depths of despair (imagine not bathing for DAYS!). I had to consciously choose to get up from bed every morning and enjoy every day no matter what happened. I had to believe in a Higher Power because I knew and felt I wasn’t in charge of the entire show.

Reframe Your Story (fr Celebrating Freedom on fb)

I even had to re-frame my story to be able to move forward. I had to BELIEVE I would get better, that I was indeed enough, worthy, beautiful, creative, loved and good!

We Can Always Choose to Perceive Things Differently (Marianne Williamson in Compassion, Love & Respect fb)


I had to re-train my mind and heart to believe and heed these beautiful last few lines of Max Ehrmann‘s Desiderata:

You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should …in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. …Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.


Lo and behold! After all of these, my healing felt different and…deeper. I was at peace with my place in the  world. I had given up all the “running around like a headless chicken” trying to accomplish things and get approval and recognition for these.

Sometimes Things Fall Apart (Marilyn Monroe in Mystic Mermaid fb)

I actually don’t know HOW I got to this point of surrender. Maybe it was all my readings on spirituality, the alone time I had put in or me just being literally sick to death of my own bullshit. I can’t really say if it was one thing or the other. Maybe it was ALL of these. Maybe it was the grace of an unexpected yet most welcome softening of my heart.

Serenity Prayer (from Life's a Dance in fb)

What I know for sure is that this spirit of letting go is key in genuine recovery from addictive behaviors (e.g. workaholism, substance abuse, food addiction, etc.) and an essential partner to holding on for a person to truly thrive in life.

Nothing in the Universe Can Stop You from Letting Go and Starting Over (guyfinley-meme.jpg  via google images)

(Don McLean sings about the vulnerability of highly sensitive persons and the creative life in “Vincent”.)


My prayer is that YOU also find this Peace within you. Don’t bother looking for it outside of you – in your loved ones, career, charitable deeds, etc. You won’t find it “out” there.

Set regular quiet, meditation, prayer or play dates with yourself and you stand a chance of accessing your inner peace again and again and again.

Allow Beauty to Shatter You Regularly (Victoria Erickson, Writer on fb)

(Do you hear that lovely voice? It’s Karen Carpenter singing “It’s Gonna Take Some Time” – a song composed by Carole King with lyrics by Tony Stern – to cheer us on our path to recovery.)

Challenges Help Us Come Home to Peace (Watching Whales fb)


Right now, you might not be feeling all that good about yourself right now but if you DO want to feel better again, you have to think it, believe it AND do something about it. All the magic starts from this, just like The Philosopher’s Notes host Brian Johnson says in this video about the key principles of The Magic of Thinking Big, a book written by educator and authority on motivation David J. Schwartz:

When you believe and have faith in yourself and a Higher Power (or Purpose), that’s the absolute best time to explore and discover your particular Art (e.g. raising children and helping shape them into happy and healthy adults, leading a company in surpassing its goals or creating something that will change people’s lives for the better) and give your whole self over to it – remember Elizabeth Gilbert’s TED Talk on Success, Failure and the Drive to Keep Creating or #3 (Get Creative) on this list? This passionate and committed life’s work is Love made visible in the world, said the poet Khalil Gibran.

Work is Love Made Visible


I actually think we human beings have been doing it wrong all this time. Instead of asking people the loaded question “What do you want to become?” from an early age, I think we should instead ask questions like, “What makes you ridiculously happy?”, “What makes you feel really good and genuinely fulfilled?” and “What do you absolutely, truly, madly, deeply love?”

Do the Things You Believe In (Journey to Peace fb)

Look back on your own experience: Perhaps the only time you ever stuck it out long enough to see things through to the end was when you were doing something you really, really loved. Even the Bible says pretty much the same thing in 1 Corinthians 13:7: “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Love Bears All Things ( via Google Images)


What is it YOU love, then? What are YOU passionate about? What makes YOU light up in excitement? For some, it feels easy. Gifted with grace and rhythm, some become dancers. Blessed with great skill for understanding and using numbers and concepts, some become physicists. My own journey of discovering what I love, though – writing, reading, practicing yoga, dancing plus helping and connecting people – was anything BUT easy. Love and Your Heart Will Be Wrung and Broken (C.S. Lewis on Life and Poetry on fb) Neil Gaiman gave the best ever “cheerleader speech” when he said: “Go and make interesting mistakes. Go and make amazing mistakes. Make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here. Make. Good. Art.”

Make Good Mistakes (by Neil Gaiman in jes wright in fb)


Your own journey of love might take some time and a LOT of experimentation just like mine did. Remember to be patient and to develop confidence in yourself and your creative process. (The cast of the 1980 film “Fame” toast to our creative and eternal self-discovery with “I Sing the Body Electric”.)

Come Whoever You Are and Yet Again (Quotes from the Mystics fb)


9) Travel or just “be” with yourself. Go to your favorite places, e.g. a beach, a mountain, a chapel or a retreat center. Let these spaces have some element of Nature and quality of solitude to be truly healing. (I’ll  share some of my own favorite retreats and  in succeeding Traveling Seeker posts.)

Give Yourself the Gift of Peace & Quiet (fr Journey to Peace in fb)

If you can’t travel to other places at the moment, don’t worry. You can turn inward and just be present with yourself.

Within You There is a Stillness and a Sanctuary (Herman Hesse in Journey to Peace fb)


Deepak Chopra provides two great reasons for us not to be afraid of solitude in our ultra fast-paced, hyper-connected and incessantly cacophonous world: “To make the right choices in life, you have to get in touch with your soul. To do this, you need to experience solitude, which most people are afraid of, because in the silence you hear the truth and know the solutions.”

To Know Yourself (Deepak Chopra in Soul Discovery fb)

It’s funny how a lot of us avoid being alone when it’s precisely in solitude that we are able give ourselves the time, space and courage to accept ourselves and the whole of Life. 

Some Steps Need to Be Taken Alone (Zen to Zany fb)

Don’t do an about-face when things become difficult and you find yourself feeling all alone. Face your fear and Life head-on, look it in the eye.

Don't Turn Away When Things Become Difficult (Victoria Erickson, Writer fb)

Remember this always: “In difficulty lies great opportunity.” Make this your mantra when you’re feeling particularly distressed or pressured.

Life's Challenges Are Not Supposed to Paralyze You (Bernice Johnson Reagon in Beware the Barenness of a busy Life fb)

Then go and walk your difficult path. It’s the only way through to the other side of Redemption Road.

Leave No Path Untaken


Put your heart and effort into it and your “solo trips” can also be just as beautiful as former dancer turned yoga teacher and Elephant Journal contributor Krista Katrovas‘ in “Alone Time” :

Alone time

is sacred time.

I feel the rhythm of my breath,

the pause residing between thoughts,

where everything slows down

and vibrant colors return.

I no longer live

in hues of black, gray,

and white.

I remember myself,

the self I’ve always known,

even as a child,

while in the peace

of my own company.

Sometimes she hides

behind the hustle, the bustle,

the busy, the grasping,

and it’s sacred alone time

that brings her back out,

as if she hides behind a sycamore,

in nature, with my true nature,

holding the limbs 

of the tree as hands

of friends

for comfort.

I beckon her out,

with silence, aloneness, 

that is her, my, music.

When she dances,

it serves her, me, us

with opportunity

to simply be,


and we become one,

no longer split, no longer separated

from ourselves.

Alone Time is Sacred Time (Krista Katrovas in Women's Spiritual Poetry fb)

Of course this journey into the heart of silence means not just leaving the din of human noise but also that of digital static, so go ahead and sign out of your social media accounts and put your mobile communication devices in one corner of your bag or room or on your desk (preferably where it’ll be out of your sight and mind) if you must still keep them on to somehow still receive messages.

(Writer, director and performance artist Gary Turk reminds up to unplug, disengage and LOOK UP from our gadgets so we can finally just goddamn LIVE NOW in the video below.)

Because When You Stop and Look Around (Humanity Healing fb)


10) Choose or Decide, then Act. When in doubt, just put one foot in front of the other. It doesn’t really matter how many procrastination techniques you employ (e.g. surfing the internet, eating your favorite meals or snoozing the alarm for another ten minutes for the nth time). Just do it! Move it! You will never get unstuck and out of the rut you find yourself in if you don’t first help yourself.

Just Do It (by Nike fr Heart Touched Quotes in fb)


When your momentum seems to have stalled, evaluate what’s keeping you in the same place and then experiment with your next best options.

Let Yourself Move to the Next Chapter in Life (Hopping Elephants fb)

You must be a professional planner, auditor, experimenter, risk-taker and unpaid Nike endorser (“Just Do It!”) all throughout your process of transformation, transition and change.

Every Moment is Golden (Henry Miller in fb)

OVERCOME challenges then watch yourself BECOME someone truly worthy of respect, admiration and love: a bona fide thriver.

Thriver (Walking My Talk fb)


And (as far as you’re concerned at least) it’s all about that really: YOUR process, YOUR journey, YOUR time. You can look to all the great people whom you admire, get their advice, read their books, listen to their audio recordings, attend their workshops, etc., but the truth is, YOUR PATH IS UNIQUE.

This is Your Road (fr The Road to Me in fb)


Take “The Road Not Taken” just as Robert Frost advised in his poem because THAT is where your salvation lies.

THAT is where you will meet, discover and recreate yourself again and again. THAT is the path that will teach and lead you to love. Choose that road not taken.

With Everything That has Happened to You ( fb)

Any other path is just going to be one long useless diversion, perhaps even a dead end. Trust me on this one.

Bumpy Roads Lead to the Best Places (Steve Maraboli in on fb)


So buck up and chin up!

Keep Your Chin Up ( via google images)

Remember what Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in his poem “A Psalm of Life”“Let us then be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait.”

Remember that you’re still writing the next chapters of your story and there are truly exciting plot twists up ahead.

Better Things are Coming (Defeat Depression fb)


Yes, there will be times you’ll feel so inconsolably alone and seemingly the only one awake in your corner of the world.

Courage is Grace Under Pressure (Ernest Hemingway in Discovery Tales fb)

It’s at these times that you just have to hang on, hold on and believe that even if everything doesn’t turn out fine, YOU will be just “fine, fine, fine”.

(Our guru Alanis Morissette reassures us that we ARE and WILL be fine no matter what happens with “Hand in My Pocket”.)

(In case you are hard of hearing or deaf, you can still enjoy this song of Alanis. Play this beautiful Abbey Road Studio video with subtitles of Alanis singing “Hand in My Pocket” with her band.)


But maybe you already DO know and feel it in your bones.

Try (Ernest Hemingway in fb)

You’d rather be traveling and enjoying every moment on this unfamiliar terrain.

You Have to Decide What You Want Your Life to Be (Sarah Dessen in & fb)

For the very first time in your life, you are alive – truly alive and in love with yourself, the world and the whole of Life.

Breathe in the Beauty in Your Life (fr My Best Me in fb)


Just keep your eyes peeled, your ears alert, your heart open and your hand ever ready to help. The World and the task at hand may seem daunting but there’s no other way through it all but walking our path.

Hardships Often Prepare Ordinary People for Extraordinary Lives (C.S. Lewis in Women for Women International fb)

Yes, the road is long and you can’t see what’s at the end or even just at the bend. Just remember: This is your true path and you must walk it every damn (whoops!) blessed day.

Courage to Continue Counts (Winston Churchill)

The truth is so many others have gone before you, some are walking with you and many more are waiting for you, cheering you on, comforting and guiding you.

Never Give Up (fr Never Lose Someone Who Means Much To You in fb)

Here, my fellow Traveling Seeker, come take my hand and let’s walk THIS path bravely – together.

(Leaving you all now with A Prayer from Max Ehrmann, a singing telegram from Sara Bareilles who is another kick-ass talented and divine singer-songwriter and a postcript. LET’S BE BRAVE TOGETHER!)


Let me do my work each day; and if the darkened hours of despair overcome me, may I not forget the strength that comforted me  in the desolation of other times.

May I still remember the bright hours that found me walking over the silent hills of my childhood, or dreaming on the margin of a quiet river, when a light glowed within me, and I promised my early God to have courage amid the tempests of the changing years.

Spare me from bitterness and from the sharp passions of unguarded moments. May I not forget that poverty and riches are of the spirit.   Though the world knows me not, may my thoughts and actions be  such as shall keep me friendly with myself.

Lift up my eyes from the earth, and let me not forget the uses of the  stars. Forbid that I should judge others lest I condemn myself. Let me not follow the clamor of the world, but walk calmly in my path.

Give me a few friends who will love me for what I am; and keep ever burning before my vagrant steps the kindly light of hope. And though age and infirmity overtake me, and come not within sight of the castle of my dreams, teach me still to be thankful for life, and for time’s olden memories that are good and sweet; and may the evening’s twilight find me gentle still.



P.S.: Live a Life of Love...Sprinkled with a Little Silliness (A Journey of Faith fb)